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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


By on 8:47:00 AM

1, Identify the real cause of stress.

2, Events causing stress should be noted down and analyse it once in the month.

3, Your reactions to each stressful events should be recollected and compared with one another.

4, Should not offer immediate responce to stressful event, always take little time to think.

5, If any tension comes ask your inner man(Mind)for a remedy, he is more intelligent than you.

6, Past is past always concentrate on future events and gather courage and self-control.

7, Neednot bother about your loss, but findout the reason for it and try to solve it.

8, Face all situations confidently.

9, Keep faith in god and worship him.

10, Always hope for the best.

11, Always keep a positive method.

12, Before doing any thing plan a solution to face a negative situation.

13, Should not live only for funds.

14, Help the poor people.

15, Visit the sick people and give them moral support.

16, Whenever you are tensed require a deep breath and relax.

17, If you are tensed countdown from 100 to 1.

18, If any stress comes go through the beautiful picture kept on the wall.

19, Keep some flowers in the room and have a look.

20, Practise inhaling exercises regularly.

21, Keep little time for yoga and meditation.

22, Aromatherapy is good to relax the mind.

23, In case you are tensed make a surprise call to your old friend.

24, When you are tensed think about others who suffer from much more serious problems.

25, Keep close contact with your family and share the problems with them.

26, Go for pleasure trips with all the family members.

27, Avoid sedentary life, always mingle with others.

28Always approach others with a smile.

29, Laughing and sharing jokes with others is likely to make you relaxed.

30, When you are tensed visit your close friend or relative.

31, If any stressful event comes discuss it along with your intimate friend.

32, Spend little time with your kids and join their plays.

33, If you get time go to get a healthy discussion on any interesting topic.

34, Always approach the people in a polite manner.

35, Maximun attempt should be manufactured to reduce enemies.

36, Keep a regular routine for your activities.

37, Never postpone the works.

38, Sound sleep is very essential to relax your body-mind.

39, Always prefer room with fresh air.

40, Getup early in the morning.

41, After waking have a nice bath along with your favourite shampoo.

42, Use some perfumes and room freshners you like.

43, Have a relaxing body massage.

44, Personal hygiene needs to be maintained.

45, Your health problems should be discussed with the doctor and follow his instructions.

46, Make a habit of cleaning your home and surroundings.

47, Keep sexual relations with only one partner.

48, Morning and evening walk is good to relax.

49Afternoon sleep is good but really should not be a deep sleep with snoring.

50, Listen good music and go for a movie with your intimate friend.

51, Studying interesting books can reduce tension.

52, Gardening is a useful method to relax.

53, Spend little time with pet pets.

54, Engage in some games.

55, Keep some time to engage in your hobbies.

56, When you get time write some literal things such as articles, poems and stories.

57, Keep a regular timing for food.

58, Take plenty of fruits and vegetables.

59, Prepare your favourite meal and have it with your family.

60, Having food from restaurants may give you a good mood.

61, Excess of drinking and smoking should be avoided.

Mahadi hasan shohag

mahadi is a 17 years old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified SEO expert.


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