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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Elongating and Flexibility tips 4-7

By on 4:05:00 AM

Elongating and Flexibility tips

4. Use dynamic movement as a warm-up for exercise.

The ultimate way to warm up for exercise is to perform low-intensity, dynamic movement that is comparable to the main type of activity that you will perform. Right here are three examples:You're going to jog three miles. First, do some dynamic movement to warm-up: slowly walk, gradually speeding up for about five minutes.You're about to do a group of bench presses. First, bench press a much lighter load -- person that is about 50% to 70% lighter than what you're aiming to lift later. Do 2-3 sets of those light bench pushes (10-15 repetitions per set).You're going to stretch your leg muscles. First, do some high knee marches and walking lunges to warm-up those muscles.Movements such as arm circles, jumping jacks, and rope skipping are other good dynamic options for warming up. Low-intensity activity will gradually raise your heart rate and increase blood to the muscles. It will also slowly warm up your body's temperature, so you may even break a little sweat.

5. You shouldn't overstretch.

It is true that you must stretch and hold a muscle beyond its normal length to ensure flexibility.However, you should not stretch to the point from pain, because it could do serious damage: tearing a body, spraining a ligament, or dislocating a joint.Only stretch a muscle for a comfortable point and hold for about 15 seconds or which means.

6. Don't bounce.

This is a common mistake that I just see beginners make with stretching.A ballistic stretch uses balanced momentum, such as rocking a body part back and forth to make a "bouncing" motion. This may make it harder to control the force and range of flexibility -- a recipe for disaster.Ballistic, or bouncing-style stretching is not recommended normally, especially if you are a beginner or recovering from an overuse injury.

7. Fact-check your technique.

Follow research-supported recommendations or seek help by a qualified professional. A general stretching program should follow the guidelines set forth by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The ACSM recommends at least 2-3 days per week of stretching activities. After properly warming all the way up with dynamic activity (e. g., walking), static stretches should turn out to be held for 10 to 30 seconds per repetition with in the region of four repetitions per muscle group. Do multiple stretches of your major muscle tissues.Remember, everyone is different, and so are their flexibility not to mention stretching needs. So don't compare yourself to anyone else.A qualified professional can be extremely helpful with establishing a program that's right for your specific needs. If you are a beginner, then I recommend for which you speak to a certified personal trainer who has at least a bachelor's degree on an exercise-related field. Talk to a licensed physical therapist if there are a health condition such as osteoporosis, arthritis, or chronic back serious pain.
Elongating and Flexibility tips 1-3.

Mahadi hasan shohag

mahadi is a 17 years old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified SEO expert.


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